Saturday 24 August 2013

50 Random facts about me!!! (TAG)

Hello again everyone!!

Soo you're probably wondering why I'm posting again? Well... About 10 minutes ago I received an email from another blogger saying that they enjoyed the 50 questions tag I'd done earlier and wanted me to do the 50 random facts tag....

1♥ My full name is Victoria Harrison
2♥ I'd like to be a doctor in the future
3♥ When I'm stressed I develop OCD
4♥ I adapt my eating to feel in control over things when I'm stressed
5♥ I've been in a relationship for 16 (nearly 17) months
6♥ I have a Labrador called Maisy 
7♥ I'm obsessed with owl or bird patterns/ objects 
8♥ I often create scenarios that will never happen especially whilst I'm trying to sleep
9♥ I love the rain!
10♥ I'm not a strong swimmer
11♥ I've started doing some work for charity e.g the race for life
12♥ I decided to go on a health kick and I've currently lost a stone and a half
13♥ I love Autumn it's my favorite season!

14♥ I have naturally curly hair and I get annoyed if it goes slightly straight
15♥ I have a Toyota Yaris called Bertie!
16♥ I change my make-up quite a lot 
17♥ I love long nails and nail art
18♥ I love my Pandora bracelet and I never take it off!
19♥ My favorite colour is blue
20♥ I'm an only child but I wouldn't want any brothers or sisters
21♥ I hate spiders they're just soo abnormal.... I mean they have 8 legs and like 8 eyes whyyy is that necessary? 
22♥ I love documentaries about the weather, history and especially Panaroma 
23♥ I hate speaking to people over the phone... it's just too personal I think...
24♥ I'm soo forgetful I have to have a calender by my door and a diary which comes everywhere with me! Otherwise I'll never meet up with anybody or achieve anything!
25♥  I have my own Jewellery business called Ixia Jewellery... Check them out via my links!!!

Half way there!!!!

26♥ I'm addicted to tea... I'd drink it all day if I could.. My boyfriend also loves tea it was one of the first conversations we had (haha what a weirdo am I? But it worked ladies) 

27♥ I absolutely love candles! My room always smells soo nice due to them!!!
28♥ I really enjoy reading
29♥ I love high heels!! I wear them as often as I can!
30♥ I love driving... recently I've driven everywhere!!
31♥ I love jewellery and wear rings all the time.... It's a bit sad really....
32♥ I set up this blog to feel apart of something and as a way of trying to get my voice and opinions heard.
33♥ I really enjoy writing but I could never do it as a career.
34♥ I really don't like horror movies... I can watch ones with ghosts as I've had paranormal experiences but other horror movies give me nightmares and then I can't sleep :(
35♥ I'd love to go to Paris to visit the eiffel tower!!! I'm hoping to go at Christmas!!!
36♥ I can't wait to have my own flat and decorate and do things myself!!
37♥ I love cooking... even just for myself... Romantic dinners for one haha! 
38♥ I have an Iphone 4S and I literally could not live without it... 
39♥ I can't wait to be 18 but I'm also scared as I don't want to get older...
40♥ My eyes change colour... One day they'll be blue, the next green, then a mixture and then grey and it rotates on a weekly basis...
41♥ I recently started a youtube channel but I'm quite scared as I worry about what people will say/ react to my videos...
42♥ I've recently re-evaluated my life and completely changed it (for the better)
43♥I find my boyfriends full name hilarious and struggle to keep a straight face when it's said!
44♥ I can't wait to get married and have a family!!
45♥ My room has a strange colour scheme of white, grey and black... which works unbelievably well and looks amazing!
46♥ My wallpaper and bedding has birds on it!
47♥ I'm really close to both mine and my boyfriends family and even consider his family as my family!!
48♥ I've really hated sixth form this year despite loving all my other school years!
49♥ I have random days where I love blogging and feel the 'blogger vibe' and other days where I don't hence why on some days there's no posts and on others there's loads!!
50♥ When I know people have looked at my blog it makes me happy! Like I've achieves something!!

Wow.... I really struggle to think of the 50 haha!!! Well done to you if you managed to make it to the bottom! Do you share any of the same facts as me? If so or even if not leave me a comment below and I'll reply to it! Also send me your 50 facts link and I'll check it out.... You're now tagged!!!!

Lots of love
Tori X

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